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Near-Peer Competition is Back:
Are We Ready Now and Into the Future
February 6 - 8, 2018  San Diego Convention Center

Slide 1

Innovation Showcase: The Transformative Impact of Robotics and Cognitive Automation

  • Room: Innovation Showcase, 1400/1600 Aisle
Tuesday, February 06, 2018: 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM


Marc Mancher
Deloitte Consulting, LLP


Robotics and Cognitive Automation introduces a disruptive technology that is reshaping the way that the federal government delivers services to its citizens and the nation. More specifically, it enables automation of tasks performed on digital machines, and drives organization-wide transformation marked by improved operational efficiency, employee morale, and service delivery.

Integration of Robotics and Cognitive Automation solutions into back-office operations enables organizations to shift focus towards their customers, and in the case of federal agencies, our nation’s citizens. This, in turn, drives improvements in services aimed at enhanced citizen experience and impact. The transformative impact of Robotics and Cognitive Automation is of high relevance to leaders within our nation’s Defense and National Security agencies.

This solution empowers its users to utilize limited capacity more effectively and invest recaptured time and resources into driving mission-based work. In fact, a recent study with HfS projects that Robotics and Cognitive Automation can refocus up to $80 billion in human capital to drive mission. Potential benefits include: 1) reduced costs by automating time-consuming, error prone, and repetitive processes 2) improved ability to allocate limited resources to high-value tasks; and 3) improved statutory compliance to legislative mandates. Deloitte aims to/intends to deliver a practical and interactive session that is focused on how federal leaders in the Defense and National Security space can leverage Robotics and Cognitive automation to do more with less while recapturing valuable workforce time spent on back-office work to drive mission. Simply imagine if your agency could reduce backlogs and unnecessary contractor spending while simultaneously improving service levels. Integration of Robotics and Cognitive Automation within your operating model enables and catalyzes this kind of change.

More specifically, the topics covered will include:

  • What Process Robotics is/is not
  • Process Robotics in the Defense and National Security industries
  • Demonstration of Robotics and Cognitive Automation
  • Process Robotics Center of Excellence approach to sustainment
