The Navy had been employing hardware-based Technical Training Equipment (TTE) solutions to provide training to Sailors. Although these traditional TTE solutions proved successful in supporting learning objectives, they were limited in terms of availability, reliability, and maintainability due to the high cost to procure, build, install, update, and maintain. To address the limitations and continued challenges of hardware-based TTE, the Navy decided to migrate its training archetype towards a cloud-based, virtual training environment. Deloitte was selected to help the Navy address these limitations and achieve these goals.
Today’s CANES TVE environment provides each Sailor an individual instantiation of any specific CANES configuration in which he or she may get “reps and sets” (i.e., hands-on practical application) for maintaining and troubleshooting. The virtual environment further enabled rapid enhancements to emulate a more accurate shipboard representation of CANES, which significantly enhanced the training quality in terms of realism and effectiveness. Accessible from anywhere around the world, the virtual CANES environment has not only provided the Navy with a reliable, maintainable, scalable (nearly limitless), and more cost effective training capability, but also tripled the availability and accessibility to CANES training.