WEST 2019 Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities

AFCEA and the U.S. Naval Institute have developed an enhanced sponsorship program for WEST 2019 that will offer maximum visibility to those who participate! What better way to make sure you stand out and increase your exposure than at this foremost event in which industry leaders can learn about military requirements and connect with decision makers and operators, where senior military and government officials can gain feedback from sea service warfighters, and where industry thought leaders will discuss and demonstrate sea service solutions? Sponsorship opportunities are offered at a several investment levels, ensuring your ability to participate.

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USMC Theater: Naval Integration

  • Room: USMC Theater, Hall C
Thursday, February 14, 2019: 2:50 PM - 3:20 PM


Speaker (confirmed)
Maj Paxton Miller, USMC
Naval Systems Integration Officer
Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support Activity (MCTSSA)


Whether from the complexity and variety of networks that Marines encounter aboard ship, or otherwise, Marine Expeditionary Units (MEU) face a challenging task of integrating their C4 systems afloat. This aspect often forces deployed Marines to take on a systems integration role in order to find solutions to support their mission requirements.  In an effort to address this continuing concern, MCTSSA has developed a progressive and iterative process to improve USMC shipboard C4 Systems Integration by working collaboratively with MEUs and USN Amphibs throughout their workup cycle. After defining requirements and understanding a MEU’s shipboard integration concerns before deployment on their assigned ships, mission-based test threads are developed. These scripts are then used to verify and validate interoperability of a MEU’s equipment aboard ship during a multi-phased USMC System-of-Systems Operability Test (SOT).
MCTSSA has also constructed a MAGTF Afloat Integration Environment (MAIE) to support systems acquisitions and improve shipboard systems integration. This lab is designed to emulate the same complex USMC and USN technical networks, communications and functional USMC spaces that exist when aboard a ship. Due to an ever changing environment aboard ship, MCTSSA’s Naval Systems Integration effort faces a demanding job of maintaining a high-fidelity, instrumented lab that resolves interoperability C4I concerns that support both the acquisition process and the Operating Forces. As a relatively new initiative, MCTSSA continues to mature the MAIE to address these challenges, enhance developmental testing, and increase Operational Forces readiness.  
