WEST 2019 Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities

AFCEA and the U.S. Naval Institute have developed an enhanced sponsorship program for WEST 2019 that will offer maximum visibility to those who participate! What better way to make sure you stand out and increase your exposure than at this foremost event in which industry leaders can learn about military requirements and connect with decision makers and operators, where senior military and government officials can gain feedback from sea service warfighters, and where industry thought leaders will discuss and demonstrate sea service solutions? Sponsorship opportunities are offered at a several investment levels, ensuring your ability to participate.

Browse available options below, or jump to specific categories: Patron Packages, Individual Sponsorships, Advertising Opportunities, Branding Opportunities.

RADM Collin Green, USN

Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command


Rear Adm. Collin Green graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1986 and Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL Class 149 in 1988. Green holds a master’s degree in international affairs from Catholic University of America, and is a distinguished graduate of the Naval War College with a master’s degree in national security and strategic studies.

Green participated in special operations in Europe, Africa and Asia. Tours in Naval Special Warfare include assignments at SEAL Teams 2, 3 and 5. He served as operations officer, Naval Special Warfare Task Group U.S. 6th Fleet; executive officer, Naval Special Warfare Unit 10; and assistant chief of staff for Plans, Policy and Operations, Naval Special Warfare Command.

Other assignments include Naval Special Warfare Officer, Navy Operations and Plans Branch in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations; Naval Special Warfare Officer, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/U.S. 5th Fleet; U.S. Central Command branch chief, J3 deputy directorate for U.S. Special Operations, Joint Staff; director of operations, NATO Special Operations Component Command/Special Operations Joint Task Force-Afghanistan; and executive officer, Supreme Allied Commander Europe/Commander, U.S. European Command.

His command tours include SEAL Team 3, where he deployed as commander, Naval Special Warfare Task Group - Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom; Naval Special Warfare Unit 3; Naval Special Warfare Group 1, and most recently as U.S. Special Operations Command South.


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