WEST 2023 Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities
AFCEA and the U.S. Naval Institute have developed an enhanced sponsorship program for WEST 2023 that will offer maximum visibility to those who participate! What better way to make sure you stand out and increase your exposure than at this foremost event in which industry leaders can learn about military requirements and connect with decision makers and operators, where senior military and government officials can gain feedback from sea service warfighters, and where industry thought leaders will discuss and demonstrate sea service solutions? Sponsorship opportunities are offered at a several investment levels, ensuring your ability to participate.
Browse available options below, or jump to specific categories: Patron Packages, Individual Sponsorships and Advertising Opportunities. Branding Opportunities will be available soon.
Have an idea for a sponsorship not listed below? We are here to ensure you have the best conference experience. We are happy to create a custom sponsorship package to meet your specific needs. Let us know your vision, objective and budget and we’ll create a customized opportunity just for you.
All Sponsorships and Branding Opportunities for WEST 2023 are now closed.
Sunday, February 12, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Monday, February 13, 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
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Tuesday, February 14, 9:15 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
The content of this session will focus on the IW Readiness Directorate and a handful of efforts they are working across SYSCOMs and TYCOMs to 1) define IW readiness 2) measure IW readiness 3) impact IW readiness afloat and ashore.
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Tuesday, February 14, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
During this spotlight panel session we’ll hear from Carissa Landymore, Program Director of Defense Enterprise Office Solution at DISA. Ms. Landymore will lead a panel comprised of Jessop McCrae, Engineering Chief for DEOS; Constance Genne, IL6 Program Manager for General Dynamics IT. The panel will provide an overview and of the single classified cloud environment and progression updates from the last three months along with our industry partners. Ms. Landymore will also discuss how DISA is working to define the overarching structure for Impact Level 6, differences in the Impact Level 5 vs. Impact Level 6 architecture, DISA's legacy...
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Undersea Communications & Integration (PMW 770) / PEO C4I
Captain David Kuhn
Zone 2: Head Communications & Networks / NIWC Pacific
Ms. Susie Hartzog
Tuesday, February 14, 9:40 AM - 10:00 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
The need for data-driven decisions is becoming increasingly important to maintain battlefield superiority across land, air, and sea. Yet, enabling warfighters to quickly access data for decision making requires rethinking how data is managed, governed, and secured, so that only the right people can access the right data at the moment it’s needed.
To successfully modernize data use and innovate with machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) models, the Navy will need to rapidly move from a role-based access control (RBAC) model to attribute-based access control (ABAC).
In this talk, you will learn about:
Why the Department of the...
Tuesday, February 14, 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
The rapid pace of technology advancement and the demands of great power competition require highly trained enlisted leaders, while emerging doctrine indicates formations at the edge of the battlespace will be small, thus minimizing the number of communications Marines deployed in support of command and control. This creates a requirement for an expeditionary communicator that combines the most critical skillsets of Transmissions, Networking, and Data Systems Marines. The solution is to train multi-disciplinary communications Marines in expeditionary skillsets that enable them to operate independently, ensuring that commanders at all levels possess the organic capability to exercise command and control, in...
- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
With the proliferation of the “Internet of Things”, connected sensor data will continue to grow exponentially. The massive amount of information in the Coast Guard’s operational environment will overwhelm our workforce without automation, training, and education to fully optimize the advantages gained through big data analytics. Without having a strategy to effectively manage the data and AI-enabled technology in the Operational Command and Control (C2) Federated Data Domain (i.e., the Operational Data EcoSystem), the Coast Guard Operators will not be able effectively make use of the data available to them. Future mission success requires an accessible, interconnected, data-driven EcoSystem that...
Tuesday, February 14, 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
To borrow from Lt. Gen. Robert J. Skinner ‘wouldn’t it be cool’ to acquire an actual superpower in real life?
Fortunately, we can--a see all superpower. Delivered through the Dynatrace® Software Intelligence Platform. The platform provides visibility, awareness and control of on-premise and multi-cloud environments, 24/7/365.
Observability is a vital component to a zero trust architecture and crucial for the success of the Sea service community. A White House executive order and an Office of Management and Budget (OMB) memorandum are ushering in the next era of cybersecurity vigilance for the federal government: Agencies will be required to implement zero...
Tuesday, February 14, 10:15 AM - 11:45 AM
Having a high-end, combat-ready naval force remains the Nation’s most potent, flexible, and versatile instrument of military influence. Dealing with the pacing threat will require a more ready, capable, and lethal fleet that will maintain our competitive advantage. In this panel, warfare community leaders will discuss the “goods” and the “others” of readiness, capability, and capacity within their warfare communities.
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Tuesday, February 14, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Multifunctional Information Distribution Systems (PMA/W 101) / PEO C4I
Captain Shaun Swartz
Zone 2: Business and Force Support Portfolio Manager / NIWC Pacific
Ms. Amanda George
Tuesday, February 14, 10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
This session will focus on how Data Loss Prevention (DLP) technology has evolved to be a critical and central component to the Zero Trust Architecture.
Understanding and protecting all data is a key outcome of adopting a Zero Trust architecture and during this talk we'll dig into how DLP can be deployed strategically to not only prevent data loss, but to enhance Data Governance overall and ultimately deliver Zero Trust in a way where the Navy can mature it's architecture over time....
Tuesday, February 14, 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
Brigadier General Jason Morris, Commanding General for Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego and the Western Recruiting Region will present a discussion regarding the importance of recruiting to the Marine Corps as an “All Volunteer Force”, the current state of recruiting in today’s operating environment, and the opportunities that exist in recruiting the newest eligible generation (Generation Z). Brigadier General Morris possesses eight years of recruiting experience and has served as the Commanding Officer of Recruiting Station Portland, Commanding Officer of the 9th Marine Corps District which recruits from mid-west of America, and currently serves as the Commanding General of the...
- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
The invasion of Ukraine highlights the importance of commercial technology, speed to delivery, and how tomorrow's conflicts can be waged in new ways. This panel will discuss opportunities, continued challenges and lessons learned from a variety of different points of view, including DoD, acquisition and private investment companies.
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Tuesday, February 14, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
JWCC Program Manager Ryan McArthur and Kayne Kreitzer share the capabilities that the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) will bring to the Department, as well as how to get started with the cloud accelerators that will make using JWCC simple, including the Account Tracking and Automation Tool (ATAT) and the DISA Acquisition Package Preparation System (DAPPS).
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Tuesday, February 14, 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Poor data quality is preventing defense leaders from making timely data driven decisions. That’s why moving forward with a continuous data quality improvement program is not a question of why — but how.
In this session, our Data Quality Principal will run you through tips and tricks for dealing with data quality. Join this storytelling session to hear a former DoD leader explore:
Suboptimal mission decisions due to incomplete or bad data
Business rules that do not scale at the mission level and are impossible to manage
Failure to resolve data quality problems, even when they are identified
Tuesday, February 14, 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater- Exhibit Floor, 2000/2100 Aisle
The innovation enabled through the application of 5G Technology and Smart Warehousing to supply chain logistics and operations is underpinned by the commitment of faster communication speeds at federal and defense facilities therefore establishing the conditions for an increase in Readiness of equipment, Speed / Velocity to issue gear and Accountability in the accuracy of gear in storage.
Even more profound, it represents an opportunity to transform the entirety of the supply chain – from Demand Planning to Reverse Logistics. The ongoing modernization of the U.S. Marine Corps’ Logistics Operations offers a glimpse of 5G’s Smart Warehousing’s potential impact.
Tuesday, February 14, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
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Tuesday, February 14, 1:10 PM - 1:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater- Exhibit Floor, 2000/2100 Aisle
Zero trust is a paradigm shift in cybersecurity. According to Randy Resnick, director, Zero Trust Portfolio Management Office, Office of the DoD CIO, “It is a new way, it is the only way, that we can protect our data from adversaries going forward.” Providing Zero Trust data and network security in the field and with foreign partners can pose a challenge, both conceptually and practically. Finding zero trust accreditable and scalable solutions for the verification of data and assets that may be detached from physical locations requires a new set of technology. These technologies should permit and include secure but...
Tuesday, February 14, 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Tuesday, February 14, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Cybersecurity Program Office (PMW 130) / PEO C4I
Mr. Jeff Sanders
Zone 2: Deputy Depart Head, Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance / NIWC Pacific
Ms. Rachel Tenwold
Tuesday, February 14, 1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Federal agencies are often tasked with securely connecting one or multiples of five things — people, locations, data, clouds and applications — to support their mission-critical needs. Currently, federal agencies are also facing increasing pressure to future proof and further secure infrastructure. There is a growing federal focus on the physical security of government data centers, and the adoption of hybrid multi-cloud strategies that explore vendor-neutral data center options.
D.R. Carlson can speak to the three areas government agencies must address to effectively meet these demands: digital core, digital ecosystems and digital edge. By leveraging software-defined networking and interconnection capabilities,...
Tuesday, February 14, 1:40 PM - 2:40 PM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
Commanding Officers of I Marine Expeditionary Force Information Group (IMIG) and Marine Air Control Group 38 (MACG-38) will be joined by the former Commanding Officer of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit and current IMEF G-9 (Experimentation and Capability Development) to discuss their efforts to integrate multiple domains of warfare into a cohesive, Naval/Joint-integrated command and control environment during the conduct of expeditionary MAGTF operations. Each will address the convergence of sensors, systems and effectors to form networks of lethal killwebs that generate all-domain, combined arms effects. Each leader will discuss unit and collective innovations, successes and setbacks, and take questions from...
- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
Please join CACI and our partners for a panel discussion of leading industry technologists as we discuss current and future solutions to help address the Navy’s readiness, capability and capacity challenges in the electronic warfare (EW), signals intelligence (SIGINT), and cyber arena. Leveraging emerging technologies and novel design approaches will be critical to ensuring strategic overmatch in tomorrow’s contested EW environment.
The dynamic, ever-expanding nature of the EW threat requires secure solutions that support rapid capability upgrades that “future-proof” the solutions of tomorrow. Scalable, networked, and distributed capabilities will be critical to meet capacity challenges. The readiness of tomorrow’s EW, SIGINT...
Tuesday, February 14, 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Right Data, Right People, Right Time
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Tuesday, February 14, 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
The US Department of Defense, like private industry, has been challenged with the same debacles and have tried to solve their logistics challenges in traditional ways. Just look at IT sustainment budgets. They have grown over time, yet modernization of the embedded solutions, including ERPs, have not delivered a resilient modernization path. Enterprise implementations have neither been on budget nor on time, and when eventually deployed, address only a portion of their expected benefits, further increasing costs and time and often never reaching the original objective. Joint and combined operations suffer from the lack of cohesive collaboration, requiring more manpower...
Tuesday, February 14, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Join the Department of the Navy’s Program Executive Office for Digital and Enterprise Services (PEO Digital) and Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB) for an Industry Open House. Representatives will meet with industry on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop by to chat and learn about the work of PEO Digital and PEO MLB! No appointments necessary.
Industry Open House participants from PEO MLB include:
Technical Director Office
MyNavy HR IT Solutions (PMW 240) Services
Ready Relevant Learning
Navy ERP Financial IT Services
Logistics IT Services (LOG IT)
Naval Applications and Business Services (NABS)
Industry Open House participants from PEO Digital include:
Command Strategy & Business...
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Navy Command & Control Systems (PMW 150) / PEO C4I
Captain David Gast
Zone 2: Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Command
Captain Christi Montgomery
Tuesday, February 14, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
With China as the pacing threat and with integrated deterrence a key part of the National Security Strategy, numbered fleet and FMF commanders will discuss their key opportunities and challenges. They will share how they are working across regions and domains as well as their efforts to integrate their warfighting and deterrence capabilities with other elements of national power, including diplomacy, information, and economics.
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Tuesday, February 14, 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
There is a long-standing divide between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT) equipment, protocols, and support professionals. Governments and militaries worldwide have tolerated - and even encouraged - the IT/OT divide.
This practice flies in the face of ongoing trends. Today, we're seeing more traditional IT technology embedded within OT devices. We have also seen how IT and OT devices have become active targets in an organization's attack surface. We will quickly demonstrate various tools in this presentation, including Nmap, Metasploit, Security Onion, and OT-based honey pots. The goal is to help workers and policy makers understand practical ways...
Tuesday, February 14, 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
Join us for an overview of Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) and the National Security Innovation Network (NSIN). You will learn about DIU's streamlined acquisition process, prototyping and scaling new capabilities across the DoD. The session will provide first-hand experience leading projects, future opportunities to work with DIU/NSIN and have experts on hand who can answer any questions you may have.
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- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
Directed energy and hypersonics are two rapidly emerging technologies that will change the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of warfare including the speed and manner in which the kill chain can be closed. The Joint Force, allies, and adversaries, are rapidly developing, fielding, and deploying systems based upon these technologies that will present new opportunities and challenges that this panel will discuss.
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Tuesday, February 14, 3:00 PM - 3:30 PM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Thunderdome is DISA’s initial implementation of zero trust network access and a foundational step towards DISA’s and the Department’s adoption of a zero trust architecture. Join us to learn about the Thunderdome solution, lessons learned during the past year of pilot activities and what lies ahead for the Thunderdome team and DISA’s zero trust effort....
Tuesday, February 14, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Tuesday, February 14, 3:10 PM - 3:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Commanders and Senior Leaders rely on clean, actionable data, often coming from disparate sources, to make informed decisions. Join us to learn more about prioritizing data and optimizing data pipelines to help ensure high-value data is available at the edge, even when operating in DDIL and contested environments....
Tuesday, February 14, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Business Portfolio Manager (Battlespace Awareness) / NIWC Pacific
Dr. Jamie Lukos
Zone 2: Deputy Chief Engineer / NIWC Pacific
Mr. Ritesh Patel
Tuesday, February 14, 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
To provide mandated enterprise protection and services, government agencies rely on one of their most strategic assets: Data. But consolidating and analyzing data from various sources in multiple forms is cumbersome and time-consuming, making real-time analysis nearly impossible. Regardless of the task, government agencies need an IT infrastructure that provides high performance and easy scalability to move faster, smarter, and more efficiently.
Join industry experts from NetApp and NVIDIA as they discuss how to adopt machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms at the edge....
Tuesday, February 14, 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday, February 14, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Vulcan Product Owner Dave Lago and Technical Lead Alex McFarland introduce Vulcan, DISA Hosting and Compute Center's (HaCC) new suite of tools that helps DOD customers adopt DevSecOps and Agile practices by enabling modern project management, software development, and IT infrastructure. Vulcan is currently accepting pilot users for 2023 and interested organizations.
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Tuesday, February 14, 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Tuesday, February 14, 4:10 PM - 4:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
This session will explore lessons learned and best practices from digital transformation journeys and how the Digital OODA Loop can help reduce technical debt, enhance legacy systems and accelerate apps rationalization. Learn about the four key abilities to deliver digital transformation that help provide real-time, all source data insights to gain decision dominance and achieve mission success now....
Tuesday, February 14, 4:40 PM - 5:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Deloitte’s Mission Cyber Demonstrator is a new way to collaborate on cyber scenarios by physically showing the evolution and consequences of a cyber-attack. Traditional cyber security discussions typically fail to gain the attention of mission system customers who rely on advanced technical and cyber solutions. Furthermore, industry relies solely on compliance-driven checklists because a cost-effective mechanism to demonstrate the consequences of a cyber-attack does not exist. Deloitte’s small, form-factor cyber demonstrator allows clients to visualize Cyber Security Priorities and build a replica mission system to pilot a new, repeatable, low-cost, physical representation. Clients experience the effects of a cyber-attack in an...
Wednesday, February 15, 7:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
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Wednesday, February 15, 9:15 AM - 4:30 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Wednesday, February 15, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
This Public Safety Communications panel will discuss what and how the DoD is moving to addressing the modernization of Public Safety Communications Ecosystem within the DoD Enterprise. It will also address a DHS S&T requirement on the interoperability of various Public Safety Communications products and the creation of a DHS S&T Approved Products List. Finally, we’ll discuss the cooperation that is needed between the Civilian and DoD Sectors. John Holloway, Director – DoD Global Public Safety Communications Office will be the monitor.
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- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Tactical Networks (PMW 160) / PEO C4I
Captain Katy Boehme
Zone 2: Fleet Weather Center – San Diego
Captain Kate Hermsdorfer
Wednesday, February 15, 9:40 AM - 10:00 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
By decade’s end, practical quantum computing solutions could impact computing strategies across industries. What does this mean for our nation’s leaders? Over the upcoming government funding cycles, quantum computing will profoundly alter how we secure our digital data fabric through cryptography. Developing quantum encryption capabilities is crucial to maintaining cybersecurity and integrity for your critical applications and data.
The quantum computing era will unfold over time, but the need for quantum-safe solutions is immediate. In fact, both the historic and current complexity of cryptosystems—even pre-quantum computing—can require several years of strategic planning, preparation, and remediation. Business, technology, and security leaders...
Wednesday, February 15, 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
Hear from three senior Coast Guard officers about how they are leading the Coast Guard into a data-centric and cloud-enabled future. The Coast Guard is embarking on the second technology revolution with a focus on robust Cloud, Data, and Network infrastructure. These foundational elements will enable application modernization, advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence, and the ability to operate anywhere and at any time.
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- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
Implementation of 5G technology is nascent and is transforming capabilities for future combat operations. Beyond 5G, engaging with the xG community to meet the needs of the Department of Defense will be critical in influencing the direction of networking for the warfighter.
Panel experts will discuss early successes with 5G in military experiments, exercises, logistics, supply chain forecasting, command and control with expedited decision-making, and integrated combined forces that also include unmanned weapons systems and applied artificial intelligence. The panelists will also discuss how 5G can contribute to the JADC2 architecture and evolve networking beyond 5G, and the benefits of enhanced...
Wednesday, February 15, 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Autonomy, artificial intelligence (AI), computer vision, and machine learning are defining the battlefield of the future. China and Russia are rapidly adopting these capabilities and developing autonomous and unmanned systems to undermine America’s strategic military advantage. In the face of this change, the United States and our allies must maintain technological supremacy to deter and defeat adversaries. Our ability to do so largely depends on DOD’s capacity to pivot to a software first, hardware second strategy. From the ability to efficiently upgrade products to allowing a single operator to man multiple systems, autonomy and a software first approach are critical...
Wednesday, February 15, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
China’s rapid military modernization and growing force structure pose a serious threat to the security of the western Pacific. The systems commanders will discuss what is being done to provide clarity and nimbleness in the requirements and acquisition processes to meet the peer-level threat....
Wednesday, February 15, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Shore & Expeditionary Integration (PMW 790) / PEO C4I
Mr. William Traganza
Zone 2: MyNavy HR IT / PEO MLB
Mr. Ken Johnson
Wednesday, February 15, 10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
As the Department of Defense (DOD) continues to modernize its operations and increase its reliance on technology, the adoption of cloud solutions has become increasingly important. Cloud computing offers numerous benefits for the DOD, including increased flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. However, the unique security and compliance requirements of the DOD can present challenges in implementing and managing a multi-cloud strategy.
In this presentation, we will explore the various types of edge to cloud solutions available and the benefits they can provide for the DOD, including improved data management, collaboration, and mission effectiveness. We will also discuss key considerations for successfully...
Wednesday, February 15, 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM
Marine Corps installations serve an essential function as platforms from which the nation builds, sustains and projects combat power. They also face a growing array of threats from adversaries as well as the environment in which they operate. Potentially hostile foreign actors’ ability and intent to disrupt mobilization in the event of or even prior to hostilities mean that we cannot regard our installations in the homeland as the sanctuaries they have been in the past. At the same time, wildfires, flooding and natural hazards pose additional dangers to infrastructure and capabilities that are critical to training and sustaining the...
- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
The Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael Gilday, has proposed that tomorrow’s U.S. Navy grow to 500 ships, to include 350 crewed vessels and 150 unmanned maritime vehicles. While the composition of the future Navy’s crewed vessels is relatively well understood – based on ships being built and being planned – what those unmanned maritime vehicles will look like, let alone what they will do, remains opaque. This panel will shed light on missions these unmanned craft might perform and what role AI can play in making them “smart wingmen.”
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Wednesday, February 15, 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Vulcan Product Owner Dave Lago and Technical Lead Alex McFarland introduce Vulcan, DISA Hosting and Compute Center's (HaCC) new suite of tools that helps DOD customers adopt DevSecOps and Agile practices by enabling modern project management, software development, and IT infrastructure. Vulcan is currently accepting pilot users for 2023 and interested organizations.
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Wednesday, February 15, 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Agencies are grappling with explosive file data growth—and continually more distributed operations from edge to core to cloud. This creates challenges in terms of the cost and complexity of storing data—as well as how to make that data easily accessible to the right users and applications at the speed of the mission. And, when it comes to mission applications and operations, there is nothing more important than matters of security and efficiency. Is your data secure in a zero-trust world, quickly accessible—enabling you to be ready and capable to take intelligent action at a moment’s notice? Now it can be....
Wednesday, February 15, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Wednesday, February 15, 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
This presentation describes the core elements necessary to achieve a zero trust architecture, and how those core elements enable joint and coalition data sharing. Military forces have always been challenged to share information with coalition partners. Ever since coalition countries joined together, arguably dating back to European Coalition Wars of the 18th century, the inability to share information greatly hinders military effectiveness. Modern warfare requires the rapid exchange of critical battlefield intelligence and operational information, especially with joint and coalition partners.
The Department of Defense is rapidly embracing a Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) for its data protection benefits in today’s...
Wednesday, February 15, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
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Wednesday, February 15, 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
The DoD High Frequency (HF) Communications panel will discuss JITC’s interoperability testing of various HF radios and waveforms. We’ll also be discussing the DoD HF Working Group and it’s sub groups and finally the involvement of the Joint Tactical Networking.
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Wednesday, February 15, 1:10 PM - 1:30 PM
Join Deloitte’s Government and Public Sector leaders, Rob Lantz and JP Parker, as they explore the deployment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications within Edge computing environments to enhance support for War Fighters operating in contested and degraded information settings. This session will delve into practical use cases that demonstrate superior decision-making capabilities that can be made ready for production and deployment....
Wednesday, February 15, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Wednesday, February 15, 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Carrier & Air Integration (PMW 750) / PEO C4I
Mr. David Rodriguez
Zone 2: Naval Oceanographic Office
Mr. Wade Ladner
Wednesday, February 15, 1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
The U.S. Department of Defense and the Navy have spent enormous amounts of time creating new sensors, algorithms, and hardware to support the next generation of warfighting. These capabilities excessively increase the complexity of interconnectivity due to siloed and disparate data. Leveraging these innovations has broad and significant implications regarding maintaining military advantages, technical superiority, and decision at mission speed.
Dept of the Navy’s Tom Sasala, DON CDO, states “The vision is to create an environment where our IT and non-IT services come together to efficiently manage and utilize the data we have and continue to collect.” Data Mesh is an...
Wednesday, February 15, 1:40 PM - 2:40 PM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
The Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer recently published two critical initiatives: the 2023-2027 DoD Cyber Workforce Strategy and DoD Manual 8140.03. The strategy establishes the direction for unified management of the cyber workforce and outlines a roadmap for its advancement while DoDM 8140 changes the way that we qualify our workforce. Through the DoD 8140 Cyber Workforce Qualification Program, DoD is expanding the qualification program from less than 9,000 positions to roughly 225,000 military, civilian, and contractor positions by establishing foundational and residential qualification criteria for each DoD Cyber Workforce Framework work role. Together, the strategy and program will enable the...
- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
In this panel, Emerging Leader experts will discuss the various use cases for AI in the pacific, from Ai for geospatial imagery analysis to autonomous underwater vehicles. From there, we will explore how AI is used in multi domain operations in the Pacific, and what threats they countered. Whether an attendee is new to AI or a seasoned expert, or whether you are early career or a senior leader, our technically focused panel will have something for everyone.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
While many areas of military operations have the potential to realize significant improvements by leveraging 5G, the areas of maintenance and training are poised to experience a high degree of innovation in the immediate future. This program will discuss some of the groundbreaking maintenance and training solutions that 5G can enable for the warfighter and will also include examples of solutions already in use by the DOD today as well as hands on demonstrations....
Wednesday, February 15, 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Stratus is a DOD private cloud launched in 2022 to provide data optionality to DISA's mission partners. Stratus provides a multi-tenant, self-service management capability for compute, storage, and network infrastructure and is accredited for Impact Levels 2 through 6 (NIPRNet and SIPRNet). Learn from the Stratus product team about the latest Stratus capabilities, including utility-based pay-as-you-go billing.
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Wednesday, February 15, 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Communications & GPS Navigation (PMW/A 170) / PEO C4I
Captain Kristine De Soto
Zone 2: International C4I Integration (PMW 740) / PEO C4I
Ms. Rosa Puig
Wednesday, February 15, 2:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Approved for 1 CertNexus CEC for CyberSec First Responder (CFR) and 1 GIAC CPE.
When it comes to information support of defense missions, it is all about the data. Timely informed decisions are at the heart of effective command and control and that cannot happen without basics including tagging, formatting, and displaying data so it can be protected, shared and analyzed appropriately. Cybersecurity is integral to protecting availability and accuracy of data.
Improved technology alone normally will not meet these requirements. We need effective streamlined processes and polices to guide and support change in culture to maximize the usefulness of technology. Also,...
Wednesday, February 15, 2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Combating technology and future threats is nothing new to the Sea Service community. Shipyards need to prepare and conquer challenges such as: going paperless in a high-compliant environment, digitizing ship repair and internal systems, and dealing with ever-changing mobile and security threats.
Overcome these challenges with not only the right tools but the right team. Hear three case studies in how leading yards have embraced these challenges and improved efficiency without sacrificing security.
Oxalis is a team of expert high-compliance technology solutions consultants and we have the tools and experience to get the job done right the first time. We’ve...
Wednesday, February 15, 2:50 PM - 3:50 PM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
The Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch utilizes advanced technologies and innovative solutions to instrument and collect test data in developmental test and evaluation of Marine Corps amphibious and ground combat vehicle systems.
Since its inception in the 1940s, the Amphibious Vehicle Test Branch (AVTB) has been at the forefront of the Marine Corps amphibious vehicle capability. Throughout the years, AVTB has maintained an integral role in the testing of many variants of amphibious vehicles and providing test data to help inform acquisition decision makers and requirement developers.
As the Marine Corps prepares its future force to engage in the future operating environment of tomorrow...
- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
Army and Joint Partner experimentation and exercises have proved the need for standards governance and implementation as the Services enhance data centricity. The Army, working with Joint Partners including the Joint Tactical Network Center (JTNC), is leveraging experimentation results to define standards, implementing standards within program development through MOSA and CMOSS and working plans to assess and enforce standards across communication systems with the JTNC.
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Wednesday, February 15, 3:10 PM - 3:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Discover how the software development lifecycle (SDLC) has continued to evolve to support the agile methodologies used in DoD environments today. This session will discuss the value of intergrating identified security vulnerabilities into your DevSecOps process for awareness, remediation, and risk reduction.
After the presentation, visit us in Booth 1511 for an integration on capability demo....
Wednesday, February 15, 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Thunderdome is DISA’s initial implementation of zero trust network access and a foundational step towards DISA’s and the Department’s adoption of a zero trust architecture. Join us to learn about the Thunderdome solution, lessons learned during the past year of pilot activities and what lies ahead for the Thunderdome team and DISA’s zero trust effort.
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Wednesday, February 15, 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Ship Integration (PMW 760) / PEO C4I
Captain Raphael Castillejo
Zone 2: Navy ERP / PEO MLB
Mr. Jake Aplanalp
Wednesday, February 15, 3:40 PM - 4:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
JMA Wireless, Dish Wireless and Hughes Network Systems are proud to be working with the Department of Defense (DoD) to demonstrate the evolution of American 5G and highlight the promise of what 5G can deliver with the right investment and leadership.
With its headquarters in Syracuse, NY, JMA makes the world’s most advanced software-based 5G platform, which it designs, codes and manufactures in the U.S. At the Naval Air Station in Whidbey Island, Washington, we’re teaming up, with Hughes as the prime, to deploy a standalone O-RAN 5G network and local edge cloud that will transform the station’s operations, including...
Wednesday, February 15, 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Wednesday, February 15, 4:10 PM - 4:30 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Across DoD, modernization often means a full-on CI/CD experience and a move to containers. Guidance like the DoD DevSecOps reference design makes zero accommodation for non-container-based systems. Unfortunately, this purist DevSecOps thinking leaves a considerable portion of legacy systems with no middle ground.
Nowhere is this more relevant than the drive for continuous delivery to the edge. Not all of the edge is ready for a containers-only approach. The move to containers has left a lot of legacy systems with no talked-about way to participate in the automation revolution. As a result, technology leaders are left with a growing technology...
Thursday, February 16, 6:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Thursday, February 16, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM
The San Diego Military Advisory Council (SDMAC) is once again hosting their signature monthly breakfast in conjunction with WEST. After breakfast and networking, SDMAC breakfast attendees will remain in place to hear the WEST keynote speaker.
* Separate breakfast ticket purchase is required. Tickets can be purchased through WEST registration. Capacity is limited....
Thursday, February 16, 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
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Thursday, February 16, 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Thursday, February 16, 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Battlespace Awareness & Information Operations (PMW 120) / PEO C4I
Captain Sam Hanaki
Zone 2: Command Operations Office / PEO Digital
Mr. Germaine Forbes/ Mr. Barry Tanner
Thursday, February 16, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Thursday, February 16, 9:40 AM - 10:00 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Modernization, expanding cloud deployments, and distributed workforces create new planes of privilege for adversaries to exploit. When designing the future state of a complex enterprise network, a least-privilege approach is critical to keep pace with adversaries and to protect critical data and assets.
With users and devices now accessing information, systems, and applications from anywhere, the mindset must be to never trust, always verify, and only allow privileged access when needed or contextual parameters are met.
Join BeyondTrust and ThreeWire to understand why Privileged Access Management (PAM) is integral to secure the adoption of emerging initiatives across DoD systems. We’ll discuss how...
Thursday, February 16, 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
Both, Global War on terrorism-based requirements and individual personalities supporting Programs of Record, have stifled revolutionary battlefield progress in lieu of continuing the military industrial complex.
This has frozen both, equipment, and application progress, across all services, and compounds the hidden logistical cost of moving large pieces of equipment globally.
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- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
Emerging technologies including AI, Autonomous Systems, Quantum computing and communications, Machine Learning, Nano materials, Hypersonics and Biotech will significantly influence the success or failure of militaries in the era of Great Power Competition. The U.S. and its closest Allies have a long history of successful military cooperation, but to succeed in this new competition they will have to work closely together across government, commercial and academic boundaries in ways not required before. We cannot pace emerging threats using the old model of each nation independently harvesting its elements of national power and sharing them predominantly through government-to-government channels. These new...
Thursday, February 16, 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: DISA Theater - Booth 2649
Stratus is a DOD private cloud launched in 2022 to provide data optionality to DISA's mission partners. Stratus provides a multi-tenant, self-service management capability for compute, storage, and network infrastructure and is accredited for Impact Levels 2 through 6 (NIPRNet and SIPRNet). Learn from the Stratus product team about the latest Stratus capabilities, including utility-based pay-as-you-go billing.
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Thursday, February 16, 10:10 AM - 10:30 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
In 1956, the United States and Canada signed the Defense Production Sharing Agreement (DPSA), naming Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) as Canada’s designated contracting authority for U.S. DoD requirements. The DPSA program operates similarly to the U.S. Foreign Military Sales program where Canada and the U.S. Government enter into Government-to-Government agreements to support U.S. and Canadian security interests, thus strengthening the North American defense industrial base and supply chain resiliency.
Contracting with Canada is governed by the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations DFARS 225.870 as well as other bi-lateral agreements. Contracts over the simplified acquisition threshold must be awarded through CCC....
Thursday, February 16, 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Thursday, February 16, 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM
The Sea Service budget leads will discuss how their services are faring for FY23 and future years and whether the budget is a realistic approach to maintaining the primacy of U.S. naval forces. With China as a pacing threat, are U.S. investments in national defense enough to uphold U.S international obligations, counter malign efforts of our opponents, and secure a safer world for future generations?
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Thursday, February 16, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Pavilion - Booth 1446
Informal meetings with Program Managers and Subject Matter Experts. No appointment necessary.
Zone 1: Ready Relevant Learning / PEO MLB
Mr. David Kemp
Zone 2: Strategy and Business Office / PEO Digital
Mr. Travis Methvin
Thursday, February 16, 10:40 AM - 11:00 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
With OMB, CISA and DOD providing strategies and directives on improving the nation’s cybersecurity through principles such as Zero Trust, CyberArk would like to offer guidance on where agencies cyber priorities should lie in 2023.
In this session our team will share:
- How to meet Zero Trust and the Executive Order 14028 objectives and goals
- Enforce least privilege for your privilege users, at the workstation, or server
- How to act as a decision policy point for your operations tool sets
- Secure the software supply chain by protecting applications and non-person entities
- Reduce the attack vector with secure Multi-factor Authentication...
Thursday, February 16, 10:50 AM - 11:50 AM
- Room: USMC Theater - Booth 2900
The Marine Corps is now into its fourth year implementing its Force Design initiative which seeks to field a more capable, mdernized naval expeditionary force that can operate and prevail inside a peer-adversary’s weapons engagement zone in support of fleet and joint operations. Concurrently, the Marine Corps is collapsing its tactical networks into its enterprise SIPR and NIPR – and eventually zero trust . Composed of senior C4 leaders from throughout I MEF, this panel will discuss opportunities and challenges associated with tactical C4 in the current operational environment.
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- Room: WEST Theater - Booth 1112
In 2018, there were more than 31,000 cybersecurity incidents affecting government agencies. In 2019, the U.S. government accounted for 5.6 percent of data breaches and 2.1 percent of all exposed records. It is imperative the US Government secures citizens’ information and federal agencies must continue to deliver services, regardless of cyber-attacks seeking disruption of those services. Fortunately, significant strides have been made to ensure just that.
The Biden Administration’s budget request includes roughly $10.9 billion for civilian cybersecurity-related activities, which represents an 11% increase compared to 2022. To date, over a billion dollars has been awarded through NITAAC for cybersecurity solutions...
Thursday, February 16, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
- Room: Navy Information Warfare Theater - Booth 1148
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Thursday, February 16, 11:10 AM - 11:30 AM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
Quantum computing is advancing rapidly, and its impact is likely to be large—the potential computational power could render today’s encryption algorithms obsolete. To address this looming threat, the White House issued a National Security Memorandum on Promoting United States Leadership in Quantum Computing While Mitigating Risks to Vulnerable Cryptographic Systems (NSM 10) in this May.
The NSM 10 fact sheet states that “America must start the lengthy process of updating our IT infrastructure today to protect against this quantum computing threat tomorrow.” The memo continues by stressing that, “Central to this migration effort will be an emphasis on cryptographic agility,...
Thursday, February 16, 11:40 AM - 12:00 PM
- Room: Innovation Theater - Exhibit Floor, 2000 Aisle
The need for well-orchestrated, mission critical process automation is paramount for defense agencies. Faced with this challenge, attend this session to learn more about how NIWC-Atlantic trusted Appian to accelerate and establish a future-ready IT organization through intelligent automation and modernization to the cloud, to improve IT service improvement strategy and mission outcomes....
Thursday, February 16, 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
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