Key Features:
- Electromagnetic Operational Environment (EMOE) Emulation with various signal types for Blue-Water and/or littoral scenarios (Radar, Comms, Targeting, etc.)
- 0.5 to 18 GHz (Optionally up to 40 GHz) RF Range
- 500 MHz IBW (Optionally up to 1 GHz)
- Frequency switching time under 10 ms (including software delays)
- +50 dBm EIRP
- Unlimited emitter density in each frequency band
- No signal drop-outs because of I/Q data streaming from hard drives
- Up mast RFGEN avoids use of long RF cables
- Dual-ridged horn antenna in a weatherproofed radome
- MILSPEC 5M Tripod Mast
- Player/IQ Data server with 24TB data storage capacity
- Laptop with MRSE application, operating, and training manuals
- Open-source and Unclassified threat library (DEW-DOS) with over 10,000 emitters
- Rugged transit cases
- Easy to set up in 30 minutes