Special Events

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Navy SBIR/STTR Transition Program

The Navy SBIR/STTR Transition Program (Navy STP) is hosting Navy STP Showcase at WEST. The Navy STP Showcase promotes mature technologies from companies participating in the Navy STP, connecting these small businesses with government and industry personnel through on-demand Tech Talk presentations.

Additionally, these companies have an enhanced online presence through the Navy STP Virtual Transition Marketplace (Navy STP VTM). The Navy STP VTM provides additional information on innovative Phase II Navy technologies developed by small businesses participating in the program. Visit booth #1725 to learn more.

View the SBIR Demo Day Agenda

Navy Information Warfare Engagement Zone

Now and expanded in its 6th year and located right in the middle of the action in the Information warfare (IW) pavilion, the engagement zone gives attendees the opportunity to informally meet with two dozen program managers, business portfolio managers and subject matter experts from multiple IW commands for short blocks of time. Click here to view the Engagement Zone schedule. No advance appointments necessary.

Author Book Signing

During WEST 2025 exhibiting hours, visit the U. S. Naval Institute in booth #1341 to participate in special book signing opportunities with your favorite Naval Institute Press authors.

View the Full Schedule

Industry Open House hosted by PEO Digital and Enterprise Services and PEO Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions

Join the Department of the Navy’s Program Executive Office for Digital and Enterprise Services (PEO Digital) and Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB) for an Industry Open House from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. PT on Tuesday, Jan. 28 in room 7AB on the upper level (Bayside) of the San Diego Convention Center. Representatives from PEO MLB and PEO Digital will meet with industry on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop by to chat and learn about the work of PEO Digital and PEO MLB. No advance appointments necessary.

PEO MLB Industry Open House participants are:

  • Technical Director Office 
  • MyNavy HR IT Solutions 
  • Ready Relevant Learning (RRL)
  • Navy ERP Financial IT Services 
  • Logistics IT Services (LOG IT)
  • Marine Corps Logistics Integrated Information Solutions (LI2S-MC)
  • Naval Applications and Business Services (NABS)
  • Marine Corps Manpower IT Systems Modernization (MITSM)

Download a list of topics that PEO MLB participants want to discuss with industry.

PEO Digital Industry Open House participants and the topics they want to discuss with industry are:

  • Digital Workplace: Scale Key Enterprise Services and Expand Cloud-Managed Endpoints
  • IT Platform: Deliver World-Class Cloud Services
  • Cybersecurity & IT Lifecycle: Move towards ZT Implementation Target
  • Culture of Excellence: Accelerate Value Delivery
  • IT Infrastructure: Update IT Infrastructure to Align with Cloud Service Delivery

To learn more about PEO Digital’s FY25 Objectives visit Industry Engagement and download a copy of PEO Digital’s Industry Engagement Overview.

Industry Engagement Day hosted by Program Executive Office Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I)

Join the Department of the Navy’s Program Executive Office for Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (PEO C4I) for an Industry Engagement Day from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 29th in room 7 on the upper deck (Bayside) of the San Diego Convention Center. Representatives from PEO C4I will meet with industry on a first-come, first-served basis. Stop by to chat with us and learn about the work of PEO C4I. No advance appointments necessary.

San Diego Military Advisory Council (SDMAC) Breakfast

The San Diego Military Advisory Council is holding their signature monthly breakfast in conjunction with WEST. Separate registration is required. Advance tickets can be purchased online during WEST registration or directly from SDMAC while tickets last.

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SDMAC Event Sponsor

Technical & Security Clearance Hiring Fair

Transition Careers is hosting a Naval Defense, Space, Acquisition, IT, Cyber, Engineering, Intelligence, and Security Clearance Hiring Fair at Naval Base San Diego (NBSD) on Monday, January 27th. The event will be held at the Anchors Catering & Conference Center, Building 3210, outside the NBSD security gate and open to the public. Job seekers can engage with premium employers from government and private sectors in a focused and intimate setting. This fair is open to all experienced professionals, including active-duty service members, guard, reserve, contractors, veterans, and civilians.

Additional details and registration information can be found here.