The Enlisted Superior Performer Award at WEST 2025

The Enlisted Superior Performer (ESP) Award presented by the U.S. Naval Institute and AFCEA International recognizes the service of those military members who have been selected by their commands for particularly superior service in the past year.

Congratulations to these top performers:

Sgt Joseph Adams, USMC
LCpl Yoselyn Avilaramirez, USMC
Cpl Bavon Avoki, USMC
HMC David Baeza, USN
LCpl Ashton Bailes, USMC
OS2 April Baker, USN
YN1 Alyssa Bedell, USN
Sgt Jadyn Bender, USMC
MC2 Andrew Benvie, USN
Sgt Lisanyi Berrora Valdez, USMC
Sgt Alec Bolstad, USMC
IS2 Jonuam Brunorivera, USN
LS1 Dean Cabigting, USN
OS1 June Canuel, USN
YN2 Ryan Carroll, USCG
MMN1 Timothy Carson, USN
EMN2 James Carter, USN
Cpl Jeff Celetin, USMC
Cpl Kevin Chanhthavong, USMC
Sgt Kyla Cipriano, USMC
AM2 Jared Clark, USN
Cpl Andrew Coombs, USMC
MST1 Nickolas Cortez USCG
CT3 Erick Duran Chavez, USN
Sgt Scott Evritt, USMC
LS1 Mark Ferriols, USN
Sgt Samuel Fletcher, USMC
SSgt Joselyn Flores, USMC
AM1 Cleveland Floyd, USN

Sgt Jordin Foth, USMC
SSgt Austin Gaekle, USMC
HMC Roberto Garcia, USN
Cpl Tenyoiztli Garcia, USMC
Cpl Teaireana Graham, USMC
SSgt Patrick Grimes, USMC
YNS1 Khari Hall, USN
Cpl Ava Hamilton, USMC
MA3 Kimun Han, USN
Cpl Benjamin Hancock, USMC
STS1 Nicholas Hanson, USN
FC3 Antony Harris, USN
Sgt Thomas Hay, USMC
Sgt Allen Hayes, USMC
MST2 Katherine Hays, USCG
AWF1 Devon Heard, USN
Cpl Luke Henkel, USMC
Sgt Bowyn Hennings, USMC
SSgt Patrick Hinjosa, USMC
Cpl Austin Hudson, USMC
ABE1 Takeria Jones, USN
BM1 Gabriel Kaczorowski, USCG
YN2 Paul Kaufer, USCG
Cpl Udaya Khatri, USMC
RSSN Christina Kisiedu, USN
HM3 Joshua Kolodziej, USN
AWS1 Joshua Krugh, USN
OS1 Victor Lacey, USN

Cpl Christopher Long, USMC
SSgt Omar Lopez, USMC
Cpl Roy Mangtamag, USMC
Cpl Brenda Marroquincontreras, USMC
AM1 Rafael Martinez, USN
Cpl Jake Masterson, USMC
OS1 Jonathan McKendrick, USCG
AWR1 Ian McKenna, USN
AE2 Alexander McMillan, USN
LCpl Juan Millan, USMC
MK2 Benjamin Miller, USCG
PO1 Jared Miller, USN
AO1 Stephanie Nansen, USN
SSgt Alyscia Navarro, USMC
Cpl Tyler Neff, USMC
Cpl Sophie Newberg, USMC
Cpl Matthew Nguyen, USMC
LCpl Jack Nicholas, USMC
RP1 Jalessa Overbey, USN
Cpl Gunner Pequignot, USMC
SSgt Eric Peterson, USMC
SSgt Logan Phillips, USMC
Cpl Joshua Phillips, USMC
YN2 Olga Quintero, USCG
Sgt Tracy Ramlochan, USMC
Cpl Mark Reyna, USMC
Sgt Cole Richie, USMC
AT3 Laisha Rodriguezparker, USN

BM2 Katiria Rodriguez-Rosa, USCG
IT2 Brandon Rosado Morales, USN
Sgt Gilberto Rubio, USMC
OS3 Natasha Santana, USN
Sgt Mason Scott, USMC
ME1 Christian Sena, USCG
YN1 Erica Shaeffer, USN
Cpl Kyle Silbernagel, USMC
Sgt William Smith, USMC
LS2 Markeesha Smith, USN
HM1 Miles Steele, USN
Sgt Nicholas Stefansyshyn, USMC
Cpl Jolaine Stropparo, USMC
SSgt Dina Suarez, USMC
LN1 Justin Taylor, USN
HM2 Ryan Toms, USN
SSgt Sarah Uzialko, USMC
ETV1 Caleb Valdes, USN
Cpl Tyler Vance, USMC
ABH2 Moses Vecherkovskiy, USN
Cpl Esmeralda Velasquez, USMC
Cpl Jade Venegas, USMC
Cpl Dawson Watts, USMC
SSgt Gustavo Webster, USMC
YNSN Andrew Wethern, USN
Sgt Matthew Willford, USMC
SN Jacob Williams, USCG
BU2 Ahrmaan Williams, USN