Joel Alegre
Commander, Navy Installations Command J621
Kateryna Alkorn, Ph.D.
Data and AI Lead, Office of the CDAO
Office of the DON CIO
Claire Ameen
Data Scientist
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic
RDML Brad Andros, USN
Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
Arzhang Angoshtari, Ph.D.
Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock
Col Michael Anthony, USMC
Assistant Chief of Staff G-6
1st Marine Division
Tomer Atzili
Office of the DON CIO
LtGen Eric E. Austin, USMC
Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
Shadi Azoum
NAVWAR SBIR/STTR Program Manager
Department of the Navy


Kelly Backes, Ph.D.
Lead Quantum Physicist
Russ Baker
Co-Founder and Vice President
Avalon Holographics
Kate Baldwin
Director, Growth Partnerships
Thomas Banger
PMW/A 170
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
Leslie Beavers
Acting Chief Information Officer
Department of Defense
Col Matthew Beck, USMC
Marine Corps Manpower IT Systems Modernization Director
Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB)
LtCol David Becker, USMC
AC/S G-6
Marine Corps Installations West
RADM Christian (Boris) Becker, USN (Ret.)
Founder and President
Silvergate Consulting
GySgt Matthew Black, USMC
Spectrum Manager
U.S. Strategic Command/Joint EMSO Center
CAPT Jesse H. Black, USN
Commanding Officer
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
CAPT Blythe Blakistone, USN
Information Warfare Commander
Carrier Strike Group (CSG) THREE
Jason Boggs
Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Office Far East
Dominic Bonaduce
Senior Product Strategy Manager
Rachel Bondi
Technical Director
PEO C4I - PMW 130
Stephen J. Bowdren, SES
Program Executive Officer Land Systems
USMC Systems Command
Gordon Bradley
Technical Director
DISA Joint Interoperability Test Command
Joe Bravman, Ph.D.
Chief Engineer
Lynk Global, Inc.
Frank Briguglio
Federal CTO
J David (TUBA) Britt
Vice President, Defense Technology & Innovation
RADM Mike Brookes, USN
Commander, Office of Naval Intelligence
Director, National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office
Chris Brose
Chief Strategy Officer
Anduril Industries
BGen Nick I. Brown, USMC
Commanding General
Marine Corps Installations West - Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendelton
RADM Charles (Mike) Brown, USN
Director for Operations in the Information Environment
Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare
RDML Charles M. (Mike) Brown, USN
Director for Operations in the Information Environment
Office of the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (OPNAV N2N6).
Russell Buttriss
Applications Engineer
Bird Technologies


RADM Joseph F. Cahill III, USN
Naval Surface Force Atlantic
CAPT Lew Callaway, USN
Strike Aircraft and Weapons Branch Head
Air Warfare Division (N98)
Isaac Callicrate
Department of the Navy PIO
Brandon Campbell
Principal Security Consultant
Google Public Sector (Mandiant)
CAPT Alex Campbell, USN
Maritime Portfolio Director
Defense Innovation Unit
Megan Cane
Deputy Director, Enterprise Networks and Cybersecurity
Josephine Cantalupo
Mid Band Sharing Branch Chief
Defense Spectrum Organization
CDR Ward Carroll, USN (Ret.)
Ward Carroll's YouTube Channel
LtGen Melvin (Jerry) Carter, USMC
Deputy Commandant for Information
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Beth Caswell
Chief Digital Innovation Officer
Department of the Navy
LtGen Michael S. Cederholm, USMC
Commanding General
I Marine Expeditionary Force
CAPT Matthew J. (Matt) Cegelske, USN
Commanding Officer
Hopper Global Communications Center
CAPT Erin-Michelle Ceschini, USN
Commanding Officer
Fleet Weather Center San Diego
Melissa Chang
IT Talent Management Branch Head
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard & IMF
VADM Carl P. Chebi, USN
Naval Air Systems Command
VADM Daniel L. Cheever, USN
Commander, Naval Air Forces
Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
VADM Craig A. (Clap) Clapperton, USN
Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/Commander, TENTH Fleet
Commander, Joint Force Headquarters-Cyber (Navy)
Kasey Cleaver, Ph.D.
Technical Program Manager
Dark Wolf Solutions
Tom Collins
Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
Capt David Collins, USAF
Chief of Operations, Radio Test Facility
DISA Joint Interoperability Test Command
VADM Michael (Mike) Connor, USN (Ret.)
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
VADM Brad Cooper II, USN
Deputy Commander
United States Central Command
VADM Thomas Copeman III, USN (Ret.)
Vice President, Strategy and Naval Systems, Missiles and Fire Control
Lockheed Martin
Daniel Corbin, Ph.D.
DC(I) C4 Technical Director
USMC Senior Information Security Official
Brian Correia
Director of Business Development
CAPT Colin Corridan, USN
Deputy Director, Disruptive Capabilities Office
U.S. Navy
Jim Cosby
Chief Technology Officer
Representative Joe Courtney (D-CT)
Member, House Armed Services Committee
Ranking Member, Seapower and Projection Forces Subcommittee
Colin Crosby, Ph.D.
Marine Corps’ Service Data Officer (SDO)
and Deputy DON Chief Data Officer (CDO)
CAPT Matthew Culp, USN (Ret.)
Senior Program Strategist, Strategic Consultant
Vannevar Labs


VADM Peter H. Daly, USN (Ret.)
Former CEO and Publisher
U.S. Naval Institute
Quinn Daniels
Logistics IT Technical Director
Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB)
Gaurang Dave
Cyber Technology Officer
Marine Corps Systems Command
Tara Dean
Senior Account Director, Government,
Arthur (Art) DeLeon
Director Strategic Spectrum Policy, Chief Information Office
Department of the Navy
Jing Deng
Director, Information Workforce Division
U.S. Marine Corps
Matt Doll
Tara Duckworth
Teresa Duvall
Faculty Lecturer
ODU School of Cybersecurity
VADM Daniel W. Dwyer, USN
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, and Strategy, and Warfighting Development, N3/N5/N7


Andy Earle
Fortify Security Solutions Architect
MFGS, Inc.
Joe Early
Senior Director, R&D Solutions
Chris Elder
Sales Manager
Col Bryan A. Eovito, USMC
Commanding Officer
U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Group
Ashley Evans
Director of Data and Digital Transformation
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller)
CWO2 Matthew Evans, USMC
Spectrum Officer


Justin Fanelli
Chief Technology Officer (Acting), Department of the Navy and
Technical Director, Program Executive Office (PEO) Digital and Enterprise Services
Cody Ferguson
Data and AI Tools/Services Division Director
DoD Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Office
Daryck Fickel
Information Workforce Division (IWD)
Office of the Deputy Commandant for Information, U.S. Marine Corps
Dawn Fish
Office of Civilian Human Resources
Jonathan Flack
Distinguished Cloud and Security Architect
Air Force Research Lab, U.S. Air Force
Griffin Fletcher
Senior Manager of Product Intelligence
Jimmy Floyd
Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Center
Tim Foerster
SVP Business Development for Navy Business Group
William Fong
Engineer, Advanced Development & Experimentation Branch, ISR Division
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific (NIWC PAC)
Commodore David Frost, RAN
Naval Attache
Royal Australian Navy


Candace Gallihugh
Manpower and HR Systems Directorate
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs
Melissa Gatti
NESD Service Owner
VADM Robert (Rob) M. Gaucher, USN
Commander, Naval Submarine Forces
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet/Commander, Allied Submarine Command
Emily Gawne
Cyber Workforce Branch Head
Cristina Genoese Zerbi
Product Manager
PEO Digital and Enterprise Services
Daniel M. Gerstein, Ph.D.
Former Acting Undersecretary for Science and Technology, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
RAND Senior Policy Researcher and Professor, Pardee RAND Graduate School
Nathan Getz
Space Development Agency
CAPT Andrew Gibbons, USN
Senior Military Acquisition Advisor
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition
James Gibson
Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Center
Andres Giraldo
Deputy Director, Product Development
LtGen Matthew G. Glavy, USMC (Ret.)
Former Deputy Commandant for Information
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
Derek Gleich
Manager, Solutions Engineering
Mark S. Gorak
Principal Director, Resources and Analysis, and Director, Cyber Academic Engagement Office
Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
ADM Jonathan W. Greenert, USN (Ret.)
Former Chief of Naval Operations
Department of Defense


CAPT Jon Haase, USN
Major Program Manager, PMS 408
United States Navy
Nathan Hagan
RDML Kavon Hakimzadeh, USN
Commander, Carrier Strike Group TWO
Britta Hale, Ph.D.
Applied Cryptologic Engineering
Naval Postgraduate School
CAPT William (Bill) Hamblet, USN (Ret.)
Editor-In-Chief, Proceedings
U.S. Naval Institute
RDML Brian A. Harding, USN
Naval Information Warfighting Development Center
LtCol Maria Harley, USN
1st Marine Logistics Group
AC/S G-6
Shevon Harris
Enterprise Service Lead
Department of the Navy, Chief Technology Office
ADM Harry B. Harris Jr., USN (Ret.)
Former Commander, U.S. Pacific Command
Former Ambassador to the Republic of South Korea (2018 – 2021)
VADM Bob Harward, USN (Ret.)
Executive Vice President, International Business Development
Shield AI
RDML Keith A. Hash, USN
Commander, Naval Air Warfare Center, Weapons Division
Assistant Commander for Test and Evaluation, Naval Air Systems Command
Andrew Higier, Ph.D.
Director, Energy Portfolio
Defense Innovation Unit
Chris Hills
Deputy Program Manager, Navy ERP Financial IT Systems
Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB)
Teri-Lee Holland
ART Product Manager
PEO Digital Identity and Access Management
RADM Nicholas (Nick) M. Homan, USN
Commander, Fleet Information Warfare Command – Pacific
Director, Maritime Information Warfare – U.S. Pacific Fleet
Heather Huber
Naval Surface Warfare Center Indian Head
Alfred Hull
Director, Data Integration Division
Office of the Army Chief Information Officer
Theophilus Human
Chief Strategy Officer
Pittsburgh Coastal Energy
Hannah Hunt
Distinguished Technical Fellow
Kenny Hy
Chief of Staff C5ISR and Training Solutions Business Group


Cheryl Ingstad
Deputy Director, Digital Platforms & Developer Ecosystem
Defense Innovation Unit (DIU)
Matthew Isnor
Program Lead, Cyber Workforce Development
Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
Yigrem Israel
Electronics Engineer
Navy Marine Corps Spectrum Center


Doug James
Chief Information Security Officer Directorate
Office of the DON CIO
Scott E. Jasper, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, National Security Affairs Department
Naval Postgraduate School
Mark Johnson
CNO Lead for EM Environmental Effects/Spectrum
Molly Johnson
Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Information Warfare and Enterprise Services
Duane Jones
Deputy Spectrum Branch Chief
Joint Staff J6 Warfighter Communications Division
Thomas Jones
Science Advisor to the Commander
Naval Air Forces Office of Naval Research Global
William Joo
Special Projects Engineer
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific


VADM Fred W. Kacher, USN
Shawn Kelley
Chief, Automations Branch (JT4B)
DISA Joint Interoperability Test Command
David S. Kemp
Ready Relevant Learning Director
Program Executive Office for Manpower, Logistics and Business Solutions (PEO MLB)
Nick Kesler
Chief of Staff
Jason Kiel
Oceans Department Customer Advocate
Expeditionary Warfare Center, Port Hueneme
RADM Jeffrey J. Kilian, USN
Commander, Naval Facilities Engineering
United States Navy
ADM Stephen T. (Web) Koehler, USN
U.S. Pacific Fleet
Louis Koplin
Executive Director
PEO Digital
Gregory Koval
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy
Financial Management Systems
Zach Kramer
GM of Mission Command Connected Warfare
Edmond Kuqo
Lead Systems Engineer for DevSecOps
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic


LtCol Natalie Lamb, USMC
Cybersecurity Division OIC
U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Group
Sandy Landsberg
Division Director, C5ISRT & AI
Office of Naval Research
Robert Lantz
Managing Director
Col Nathaniel T. (Nate) Lauterbach, USMC
Commanding Officer, Air Control Training Squadron
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
LTG Susan S. Lawrence, USA (Ret.)
President and Chief Executive Officer
AFCEA International
CAPT Matt Lehmann, USN
Major Program Manager, PMS 420 LCS Mission Modules
United States Navy
Andy Leidy
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
Derek Lemke
Senior Vice President of Product Level Intelligence
Coley Lewis
Vice President, Growth Partnerships
CAPT Matthew Lewis, USN
Program Manager, Unmanned Maritime Systems, PMS 406
United States Navy
The Hon. Ellen M. Lord
Former Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
Department of Defense
Tammy Lowkie
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic


Rick Macchio
Consulting Systems Engineer
Edith MacDonald
Information Technology Program Manager
Naval Supply Systems Command
Dan Magy
CEO and Founder
Firestorm Labs
Ron Malenfant
Head of 5G Strategy and Architecture - Sales CTO
RDML D. Wilson Marks, USN
Naval Surface and Mine Warfighting Development Center
Jefferson (Jeff) P. Marshall
Director, Hosting and Compute
Defense Information Systems Agency
Tony Martin
Naval Information Forces
Joseph Mathews
Superintendent, Information Technology Division
U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
RDML Michael S. Mattis, USN
Commander, Task Force 66; Director, Strategic Effects
U.S. Naval Forces Europe; U.S. Naval Forces Africa
Ryan McArthur
Chief Technology Officer, Public Sector, Federal
Christina McCann
Office of the DON CIO
Marlin McFate
Federal CTO
CAPT Kelvin B. McGhee, USN
Commanding Officer, Naval Network Warfare Command
Commander, Task Force 1010
CAPT Newt McKissick, USN
Senior Military Advisor, Energy Portfolio
Defense Innovation Unit
VADM Brendan R. McLane, USN
Commander, Naval Surface Forces
Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific Fleet
Greg McPhee
Federal Solutions Architect
Jacklyn Meiers
Enterprise Cybersecurity Architect
U.S. Marine Corps
VADM William (Bill) R. Merz, USN (Ret.)
Former Commander
Christopher Miller
Executive Director
Naval Sea Systems Command
Martin Miller
Sr. Soltions Architect
Keegan Mills
Engineering IT & Cyber Tech Lead
Marine Corps Systems Command
CAPT Gregory Mitchell, USN
Program Manager, PMS 300
United States Navy
Jonathan Moak
Vice President, Federal
Joseph Molnar
Section Head
US Naval Research Lab
Matt Moreno
Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff G-6
Marine Air Ground Task Force Training Command, 3d Marine Aircraft Wing
Robert Morgan, Ph.D.
Senior Cyber Software Engineer
Beyond Ordinary Software Solutions
LtCol Steven P. Murello, USMC
Commanding Officer, Communication Training Battalion
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
Robin Murray
Chief, Armed Services Division
DISA Joint Interoperability Test Command


Seth Nagy
USMC DCI IC4 Spectrum
Rashid Neighbors
Amazon Kuiper
Cade Nelson
Sales Engineer
Apposite Technologies
Vincent Nguyen
Business Development and Enablement Manager
Starboard Maritime Intelligence
Rob Nolen
Chief Technologist & Senior Principal Architect for U.S. DoD
Amazon Web Services
Tamara (Tami) North
Director of Information Warfare Readiness
Naval Information Forces


RADM Elizabeth S. (Seiko) Okano, USN
Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
Noam Oz
Deputy Director for Product Development


Capt Ace Padilla, USMC
Operations Analysis Masters Student
Naval Postgraduate School
Curt Parker
Lead Engineer, Naval Identity Services
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic
Justin Parker
Managing Director
CDR Alan Parker, RNZN
Naval Attache and Assistant Defence Attache
New Zealand Defence Force
RAdm James Parkin, CBE, RN
Navy Director Develop
Royal Navy United Kingdom
Elvira Pearce
Office of the DON CIO
Juan Pendergrass
Cyber Workforce PM
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
Sean Perryman
Naval Enterprise Networks (NMCI and ONE-net) ISSM, PEO Digital Package Submitting Officer
Col Atiim Phillips, USMC
Commanding Officer
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School
CAPT Sharon Pinder, USN
Commanding Officer
Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command
VADM James Pitts, USN
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities, N9
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Alvin (Tony) Plater
Chief Information Security Officer
Department of the Navy
Michael Pollack
Government Executive
AST SpaceMobile
LtCol Allen Pollard, USN
AC/S G-6
3d Marine Aircraft Wing
John W.R. Pope, III
Executive Director
Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR)
Andrew Portune, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist
Priscilla Prem
Founder and CEO
Pittsburgh Coastal Energy
Jeffery (Jeff) Proudfoot
Technical Director
U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Group
Joanna Ptasinski, Ph.D.
Branch Head, Cryogenic Electronics and Quantum
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
Maj Daniel Putnam, USMC
Defense Cyber Operations OIC
U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Group


Jim Raimondo
Special Assistant to the CNO
U.S. Navy
Jane Rathbun
Chief Information Officer
Department of the Navy
Commodore Roger Readwin, RN
Naval Attache
Royal Navy
Brian Recore
Cybersecurity Solutions Engineer
Merlin Cyber
CWO4 Richard Reece, USMC
USMC DCI IC4 Spectrum
Joshua Reiter
Deputy Principal Cyber Advisor (PCA)
Department of the Navy
Jess Resig, Ph.D.
Vice President, Solutions Innovation
Applied Research Institute
Matt Robinson
Portfolio Manager
Marine Corps Software Factory
Donald Robinson, Ph.D.
SVP Strategic Development
MAG Aerospace
RDML James H. Rodman, Jr., USN (Ret.)
Chief Executive Officer
Mission Focused Systems Inc.
Alfredo Rodriguez
Program Lead, Cyber Workforce Data & Analytics
Office of the DoD CIO
VADM Ann E. Rondeau, USN (Ret.)
Naval Postgraduate School
Michelle Rosa-Maldonado
DON CIO/CTO Directorate
RDML Brad Rosen, USN
Navy Region Southwest
LTC Charlie Rowan, USA
Interim Director & Assistant Professor
The MOVES Institute, Naval Postgraduate School
RADM Eric C. Ruttenberg, USN
Reserve Deputy Commander
U.S. Pacific Fleet


Djian R. Salgado
Operating Partner and Head of Partnerships
R3 Experiential
RADM Milton J. Sands III, USN
Naval Special Warfare Command
Andy Sauer
CEO and Co-Founder
Sentinel Blue
John Savio
Executive Director, Public Sector and Defense
Black Duck Software
Col Matthew Schroer, USMC
ICE Branch Head, Enterprise and Expeditionary Services
Information Command, Control, Communications and Computers (IC4), HQMC
Kasimir Schulz
Principal Security Researcher
Anne M. Schumann
Principal Cyber Advisor
Department of the Navy
David Schumann, Ph.D.
Principal Systems Engineer
Alicia Scott
Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office
Department of the Navy
Richard Segarra
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic
Nikhil Shenoy
Colvin Run Networks Inc.
LT Artem Sherbinin, USN
Chief Technology Officer, Task Force Hopper
U.S. Naval Service Forces
DJ Shyy, Ph.D.
Principal Communications Engineer
VADM John B. Skillman, USN
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and Resources, N8
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
John Slye
Senior Advisory Research Analyst
RDML Kevin R. Smith, USN
Program Executive Office, Unmanned and Small Combatants
United States Navy
Thomas Snead
Chief, Spectrum Operations
Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, A3CS
Martin Sprague
Support to US Fleet Forces Command N904
Booz Allen Hamilton
The Hon. Sean J. Stackley
Former Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)
Department of Defense
Zac Staples
CEO and Founder
Justin Swansburg
VP, Applied AI and Technical Field Leads
Matthew H. Swartz
Executive Director and Chief of Staff
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
RADM Christopher Sweeney, USN
Director, Integrated Warfare (N9I) Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Kyle Sylvester
Office of the DON CIO


CAPT Scott Tait, USN (Ret.)
Executive Director, National Security Innovation Catalyst
University of California Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation
Barry Tanner
Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of the Navy
Andrew Tash
Head of Architecture
Google Public Sector
Rick Taylor
Senior Solutions Engineer
Donald Telesca, Ph.D.
Chief, QIS Branch
Air Force Materiel Command/Air Force Research Laboratory
Jennifer (Jen) Thabet
Program Director, Small Business Programs Office
Shery S. Thomas
Cyber Technology Officer
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command
VADM Robert L. Thomas, Jr., USN (Ret.)
School of Global Policy and Strategy
VADM Karl O. Thomas, USN
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare, N2N6
Director of Naval Intelligence
Leontine Thompson
Naval Supply Systems Command
Gary Tingley
Service Data Offier
RDML Vince Tionquiao, USN
Deputy Director, Command, Control, Communications, and Computer / Cyber Systems, J6,
Joint Staff
Stephanie Tutko
Deputy Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence Officer
Office of the DON CIO


Duane Vandross
Office of the DON CIO
Zachary Vaughn
Director, Federal Security Engineering
Vectra AI
RADM Douglas (V8) Verissimo, USN
Naval Air Force Atlantic
VADM Michael (Mike) Vernazza, USN
Naval Information Forces
Johnathan Villalobos
Cyber Piloting and Transitions Lead
PEO Digital
David Voelker
Zero Trust Architecture Lead
Department of the Navy
Col Charles Von Bergen, USMC
Chief of Staff, Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Western Recruiting Region
United States Marine Corps
Col Jared C. Voneida, USMC
Defense Information Systems Agency Regional Field Command Pacific


Rear Admiral S.M. Waddell, RCN
Deputy Commander
Royal Canadian Navy
VADM John F. G. Wade, USN
U.S. THIRD Fleet
Quentin Ward
PMW 120
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
Joshua Weaver
Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering
CAPT Kevin White, USN
Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
Bryan Whyte, CISSP
Director, Solutions Engineering
David Willis
Fumie Wingo
DON International Spectrum Policy Lead
Office of the DON CIO
ADM James (Sandy) A. Winnefeld Jr., USN (Ret.)
Former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Department of Defense
Randy Witz
Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations Center
Naval Information Warfare Development Center
Lamar Woods
SRF Engineer
Office of the DON CIO/Spectrum Policy
LtGen Calvert L. Worth, Jr., USMC
Commanding General
II Marine Expeditionary Force
Connor Wynveen
Solutions Engineer


Charles Yetman
Senior Scientific Technical Manager for Data Science
Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific
CAPT Mel Yokoyama, USN (Ret.)
President and Co-Founder
DecisiveInstincts, LLC
Andrew York
Lead Systems Engineer for Cybersecurity
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic


Alex Zimmer
Underwater Explosive Ordnance Disposal Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Program Lead